Recently, Department of Biotechnology of FNS UCM in Trnava is involved in several research projects from national grant agentures (VEGA, APVV) and projects supported by our university.
Biotechnology is technology that utilizes biological systems, living organisms or parts of this to develop or create different products. By this definition, the classic techniques used for plant and animal breeding, fermentation and enzyme purification are to be considered biotechnology.
Research interests
Plant Biotechnology research group
The main reseach is to investigate plant responses to different abiotic and biotic factors and the impact these factors to crop yield and food security. Moreover, we focus on antioxidant and antiprotease activity in defferent plant material.
Microbiology and Enzymology research group
The main research is to search suitable microorganisms (bacteria, filamentous fungi) to enzyme production, especially lignolytic enzymes and endoxylanases and the use of these enzymes in different industrial appliccations (e.g. decolorization and degradation of synthetic dyes).
Animal breeding and nutrition research group
The main purpose of the research group is to find scientific and research solutions of problems in the sphere of biology and breeding farm animals (cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits, game bred on farms, poultry, fish, bees) perform goal oriented fundamental and applied research up to the verification of realization in the user´s sphere.
Bioenergy reasearch group
The main purpose of this research group is production of bioethanol and biogas.